NOTE:   If you are an AOL subscriber, AOL's spam filtering system has resulted in thousands of AOL users ignorantly using this spam button to report something which is not spam. ISPs and Webhosting services are being inundated with erroneous "spam" reports made by these thoughtless people. Even the tough new California law clearly exempts from spam labeling, any email which is sent to anyone with whom the company doing the mailing has an "existing or prior business relationship.". This clearly precludes anyone on our list from being "spammed" by us since we only send emails to people who have purchased our software and who have specifically opted in to be notified of "product updates and offers". As a result, with the November newsletter, people using AOL may not be able receive our newsletter. There is nothing we can do about this. If this has happened to you, you will need to complain to AOL about this new anti-spam system. We are not spammers, but once blocked by AOL we can no longer send our tens of thousands of AOL customers any further notifications. We hope AOL will rescind this policy. In the meantime, all you can do is complain to them.