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DigitWiz converts Alphanumeric telephone numbers to straight numbers.
Rose City Software is proud to bring you DigitWiz, a handy little freeware utility to assist in one of life's annoying little tasks... converting those Name-style Alphanumeric telephone numbers into straight numbers for easy dialing. Engineered by xRayz Software... the same company that created those indispensible productivity enhancement tools, LinkStash and ClipCache Pro.

How many times have you tried to convert marketing style phone numbers like 1 800 GOT MILK or 1 888 CAR REPAIR into numbers you can dial? Have you noticed how they even stick extra letters in there so that instead of the required 7 digits, you have 8 or more? Like CAR REPAIR, for example, which is nine - two more than needed. And then after dialing 6 numbers you make a mistake and have to start all over again doing the conversions again in your head, only to give up in disgust and go looking for pencil and paper to decipher in write it out in usable form.

Well this happened to us just one time too many, and so we whipped up this handy little freeware utility to do the work for you. Not only will it convert these annoying worded phone numbers into straight numbers, it also includes a handy little area code lookup feature so you can quickly search to see where a particular area code is located in the U.S. or to find out the area code for any city or state (Internet Connection required)

We're not sure just how prevalent this is in other countries but it is certainly common enough in the U.S. that we think our U.S. visitors will find this little tool as useful as we do. Compatible with all versions of Windows.

It's completely free, no strings attached and contains absolutely no adware or spyware. And it is available in two modes... a simple install which installs the simple little Program executable file in to a directory and creates shortcuts for you to access it easily... or as the simple Program executable file itself, which you can place anywhere you like... no installation required. This is particularly useful if you want to keep it handy on a flash drive or other external device.


DigitWiz Screenshot

Download locations:

DigitWiz - installer
(379 KB)
DigitWiz - standalone
(94 KB)

While you're at it you might want to take a look the other fine utilities from xRayz Software:

LinkStash : Bookmarks/favorites manager which works for IE, Netscape, and Opera which opens and closes with browser, and organizes all your favorite links in an Explorer-style tree. Add new links instantly with a keystroke or toolbar buttons in LinkStash or IE's toolbar. Includes fields for comments, ratings, date last visited, etc. Use different highlights for folders, or individual bookmarks. Includes fully automated password management for easy logon.

ClipCache Pro: If you do any word-processing, email or websurfing, you can't afford to be without this tool! ClipCache Plus is 3 powerful utilities in one: a powerful clipboard extender, a text editor featuring instant text cleanup, and a handy QuickPaste utility. Everything you cut & paste can be edited & stored for easy retrieval from the system tray. Text editing features includes instant removal of annoying ">>>>>" from emails, removing large gaps & extra whitespace from webpages made with tables, removing linebreaks, etc. If you're gonna clip it, cache it!


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